Frequently asked


– What is the Klub der Töne?

Klub der Töne is a live music club for rent. It works great for any kind of party up to 199 people. Think birthdays, weddings, cd releases, live concerts.

– What is the Klub der Töne not?

We are not a public club with a schedule or program. Wec are not a night club, bar or restaurant. We do not organize partys or live gigs and we book no bands or any kind of live acts.

The only exception is our jazz show Orange Sunday.

– I'm in town with my band. How do concerts work?

There are two scenarios how a concert can be done:

1. You are in charge of absolutely everything, providing drinks, food, staff. In that case, our regular price will be charged (1,900€) and all income is yours.

2. We run the bar and sell drinks, in which case we can discount the club rent. In that case let's talk about the details: How many people will your band draw? What's your planned admission?

– What are the techincal specs for musicians? What equipment is available?

See technical specs for musicians